Autumnal Elegance Bouquet


Autumnal Elegance Bouquet

Embrace the beauty of autumn with this stunning hand-tied bouquet. Featuring a vibrant array of bright autumnal hues, including rich oranges, deep reds, and golden yellows, this arrangement is sure to brighten any room.

The bouquet includes:

  • A delightful mix of seasonal orange, yellow and lime (exact varieties may differ)
  • Stylish grey ceramic vase
  • Eco-friendly paper wrapping
  • Presented in a sturdy box

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Autumnal Elegance Bouquet

Embrace the beauty of autumn with this stunning hand-tied bouquet. Featuring a vibrant array of bright autumnal hues, including rich oranges, deep reds, and golden yellows, this arrangement is sure to brighten any room.

The bouquet includes:

  • A delightful mix of seasonal orange, yellow and lime (exact varieties may differ)
  • Stylish grey ceramic vase
  • Eco-friendly paper wrapping
  • Presented in a sturdy box

This vibrant bouquet is perfect for:

  • Birthdays
  • Anniversaries
  • Congratulations
  • Or simply to add a touch of joy to someone’s day!

Care instructions:

  • To ensure lasting freshness, top up the water in the vase every other day and trim the stems slightly at an angle.

Please note:

  • As flowers are seasonal, the exact mix of blooms may vary slightly from the image shown. However, our skilled florists will ensure a beautiful and harmonious bouquet is created.

Order your Autumnal Elegance bouquet today and spread some sunshine!