Flower Bouquet Subscription


A flower subscription is perfect to brighten your home, or the perfect gift for your friends and loved ones.

We offer fortnightly or monthly subscriptions, just decide how often you would like your flowers delivered and go to the checkout and you only pay for delivery on your first order, after that delivery is free.



A flower subscription is perfect to brighten your home, or the perfect gift for your friends and loved ones.

We offer fortnightly or monthly subscriptions, just decide how often you would like your flowers delivered and go to the checkout and you only pay for delivery on your first order, after that delivery is free.

Our flower subscriptions are totally flexible and can be tailored to meet your needs. If you’re going on holiday, or just want to take a break for a while, you can pause your subscription at any time. Just log into your account and manage your subscription, you can also resume your subscription whenever you like.

Additional information


£20, £30, £40


Fortnightly, Monthly

Subscription Length

3 months, 6 months, 1 year, Until further notice